Minnesota Headhunter To Present At The StarTribune Career Expo

As posted on MN Headhunter:

Many thanks to Kevin Donlin of The Simple Job Search and The Simple Job Search Blog for referring the folks putting on the event to me.

Click Career Expo to see those presenting and list of the exhibitors with the job fair.

I was a late edition to the web site but my portion of the PR materials will have a picture of me and the following:

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

I have a "killer" resume, now what? Tips on being your own Headhunter.
Paul J DeBettignies
Managing Partner, Nerd Search LLC

Paul has been an IT Headhunter for 10 years, is a frequent speaker on job search and networking topics, and writes the popular business blog MN Headhunter, www.mnheadhunter.com.

Paul will share principles he has learned that are universal to a job search through his own business and through his years of interaction with candidates that will help speed up your job search process.

Areas to be covered include: networking, what it is, how to get started, and who to contact; effective ways of using email to introduce yourself; finding hiring manager contact names; creating your 10 Second Sound Bite and the 30 Second Elevator Pitch; tracking your job search.

I will also lead the introduction to the networking presentation.

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