If you haven’t seen them do yourself a favor and check them out. That includes candidates who are looking for some additional insight into the corporate culture and work environment of a particular company.

John Littlejohn (VP and GM of The Employment Guide) recently wrote the best all around description of video job ads as well as a good summary on the impact and effectiveness of this medium on the employment and recruiting industries.

He’s even posted his company’s video here and I challenge anyone to tell me they don’t have a clear idea of what the company and its employees are like after watching it.

Mission accomplished.

Personally, I liked his explanation of new ideas and terms that have sprung up solely through this medium like “EOI” (a variation of ROI) or “Expression of Interest” as well as the fact that this info serves as an additional filtering device for Recruiters.

This is precisely why other companies like CareerTV are taking off. These video job ads are the wave of the future and the future is now!

If you’re an employer looking for new and exciting ways to source talent you owe it to yourself to explore the world of video job ads.

If you’re a candidate trying to find the right company to call home you owe it to yourself to explore the many video job ads that currently exist online.

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