Setting Goals In 7 Easy Steps!!!

The car is packed and you're ready to go, your first ever cross-country trip. From the White Mountains of New Hampshire to the rolling hills of San Francisco, you're going to see it all. You put the car in gear and off you go. First stop, the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. A little while into the trip you need to check the map because you've reached an intersection you're not familiar with. You panic for a moment because you realize you've forgotten your map. But you say the heck with it because you know where you're going. You take a right, change the radio station and keep on going. Unfortunately, you never reach your destination.

Too many of us treat goal setting the same way. We dream about where we want to go, but we don't have a map to get there.

What is a map? In essence, the written word.

What is the difference between a dream and a goal? Once again, the written word. Goal setting however is more than simply scribbling down some ideas on a piece of paper. Our goals need to be complete and focused, much like a road map, and that is the purpose behind the rest of this article.

If you follow the 7 goal setting steps, outlined in this article you will be well on your way to becoming an expert in building the road maps to your goals.

For the 7 steps in Goal Setting, kindly check out the link below:-


Amit Bhagria

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