Mergers & Acquisitions in the Job Board Industry

Join my Connector Group to discuss and learn the latest information and trends in M&A in the Job Board Industry. Network and Interact with leaders from the industry to be on the cutting edge of what is happening in the industry....Let's talk!

Views: 130

Comment by Nick Araco, Jr., Esq. on January 30, 2008 at 8:29am
Now is the time to take the lead in the Job Board Industry. Be one step ahead of the current crop of 'heavyweights,' 'lightweights', and 'want-to-be's.' Let's talk...
Comment by Steven Rothberg on January 30, 2008 at 9:19am
You may want to connect with Peter Weddle, the executive director of the International Association of Employment Web Sites, as he's working on a paper about m&a trends and practices in the job board industry.
Comment by Nick Araco, Jr., Esq. on January 30, 2008 at 9:22am
Thanks, Steven. I appreciate the info.


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