Hi All:
Any ideas for the following scenarios:
1. You meet the IT Hiring Manager of a company you are prospecting to in the elevator, you have already left voicemails for him and you now have a minute or so in the elevator with this Hiring Mgr. This Hiring Mgr knows your name already from your voicemails. How would you sell your services and perhaps arrange a meeting with this Hiring Mgr.
2. You are given a referral by a consultant who just came off a project and he lets you know there maybe a need for a Java Developer. You have got the name and number for the Hiring Mgr, but cannot indicate to the hiring manager the name of the consultant who referred you to him or her. What would be your sales pitch? The Hiring Mgr does not have a whole lot of time to speak, how would you grab his attention and sell your IT services?
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