Which Will Be The First Web 2.0 Job Board?

Powered by Gregarious (41)

In all the articles in the mainstream press trying to educate the masses about what web 2.0 is, almost none include a site solely dedicated to employment classifieds among their lists of prototypical web 2.0 sites. A few articles might make reference to LinkedIn, but usually more as a social networking site than primarily a vehicle to find a job or an employee. Though I can think of a handful of features and some basic functionality that I would classify as web 2.0 in the employment classifieds space, and even some of the sites that offer various iterations of them, none make the Digg, Flickr, YouTube, MySpace, Wiki, del.icio.us, etc. list. Yes, Simply Hired powers the job classifieds for MySpace, and Google is clearly a major player in the jobs category, but no stand-alone company in the category has cracked the mainstream press. And while I clearly might have simply missed a bunch of articles on web 2.0 that disprove my observation, I’d make the case that no jobs site has clearly emerged as the leading, widely recognized prototype for how a jobs site will more effectively serve its customers (both job seekers and employers) in a web 2.0 world. If anyone has articles that disprove my theory, would like to nominate candidates for web 2.0 jobs sites, or wants to submit features and functionality that they would define as web 2.0, please post a comment or send me an email.

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