Keeping the Faith, Even on the Toughest Searches

How many times have I wanted to give up just before success? It's like wanting to quit right before a runner wins the marathon. You've put forth everything you've got, or so you think, and you aren't seeing the results yet. You want to throw in the towel right before victory. I have found that one more email, one more phone call, one more hour has been the key to success. Just a little bit more. It's like those last five crunches that I just "can't" do. That's when I tell myself, "Just five more Jami, you can do it. Don't quit now, you're almost there. You're a winner and winners don't quit." In Recruiting it's the same. I have worked on some of the toughest searches and I have always found that there are all kinds of people, including the ones you are searching for. Just when you think they don't exist, you find that they do. You just haven't been looking in the right place. Or there is something wrong with the compensation plan, scope of duties, etc... You can always find the people with the skills you need if you are willing to be creative and persuasive, and to strengthen your tenacity muscle. I always ask myself, "Where is the talent right now? Where do they spend their time? Where have they been? Who would have worked with them in the past? What is missing in their life? How can I attract them? What do they read? What websites do they go to? What conventions do they go to? Where did they get their credentials, certifications, education etc?” Then I go there, either virtually through someone, via internet, on the phone, or physically. I don't give up until I find them. And I always find them. The key is to keep the faith.

Views: 44

Comment by Josh Neeble on March 3, 2008 at 5:06pm
Great post, Jami! I totally agree with what you said. Its important to keep the faith. A change of this or that and suddenly you hit gold! Thanks again!
Comment by Scott Sheldon on March 27, 2008 at 8:38pm
You've done well, keep up the great work!


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