I'm all about social networking, but will someone please create a website where I can sign into all of my profiles at once?!?! I had to create a spreadsheet just to keep up with them all. I came across Ning and the RecruitingBlogs.com social network today, and I can't believe I was so out of the loop on this one! I'm loving the idea, but I swear if I have to create one more profile I'm going to set my eyelashes on fire...

The End.

I think this officially qualifies as a Short Post.

Views: 100

Comment by Slouch on June 4, 2007 at 5:32pm
Well don;t do that, I had a friend a long time ago who lost a bet and had to shave his eybrows and it really looks funny
Comment by Penny Goodman on June 4, 2007 at 8:29pm
Really don't do it. I had a cousin stand too close to a barbeque while igniting and lost her eyelashes. It took a while to grow back. Like Slouch says, it also looked very funny.
Comment by Jorge Albinagorta on June 5, 2007 at 5:34am
Hi Kristi, well eyelashes and eyebrows comments aside, I think it's a reality of (online) life to have to maintain varied net-based presences depending on what the purpose of the relationship is. So you need to come here to brush up on recruitments, return to myspace to hook up with the indie bands that mushroom everyday everywhere, be on hi5 cause your partner and friends are, and so on.

This is not unlike what happens offline, is it? you have your group at your or your kids school; another one at the office, yet another one for your neighbors; and it will be unlikely that you will be able to mesh them up together. I feel and sympathize with your comment but ... tough

Comment by Kent Harder on June 5, 2007 at 8:20am
I am sure the government has every blog you have ever signed into and every profile. Just aske them.
Comment by Frank Mulligan on June 5, 2007 at 8:35am

I share your concern about the EXCEL sheet. I just checked mine, which includes all the places that I connect with people, post articles, save bookmarks etc. and it has over 300 cells in it. Plus I have another Outlook folder to keep all the emails from all those sites who need email verification!.

A program that signs in everywhere, keeps out spam and viruses, aggregates all our blogs rationally, translates every web page automatically, plays all music for fre, makes Skype calls and shows every TV station in the world.

Not much to ask for, is it? Oh, and it should fit in my pocket, alongside the burn medication.....

Comment by Epihet on June 5, 2007 at 9:45am
M$ has single sign on capabilities with passport technology but everyone cries big brother if your enable it broadly.

Can't have your cake and eat it too on this one
Comment by Kristi Young on June 5, 2007 at 10:47am
The beauty of the internet is that it's not real life! I have no interest in my online life mimicking reality because life generally sucks. My car is so noisy on the highway i couldn't hear "This I Believe" on my way home yesterday, the grocery store is out of sprouts for my stir fry, hundreds of applicants and not a single person is qualified.... I want the impossible from my virtual life. i want everything that real life doesn't have to offer.

I do think I'll keep my eyelashes a little while longer and continue to carry my jump drive on my key chain in case i forget a log in...but Frank I think you're on to something!


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