6 ways they have changed how your FICO score is being calculated this week.

FICO is tweaking their methods of calculating the ever important credit rating. You may want to be aware of the changes and how they might affect you.

A new system for determining your credit-worthiness, FICO '08, rolls out this Thursday, and there's nothing you can to do stop it. By these 6 changes, ye shall be judged:

1. Spouses and children can improve their credit score by being an authorized user on a credit card account, but that's it. No more piggybacking off strangers.
2. Debts less than $100 that go to collections will matter less.
3. They will look at the total picture more. A single repossession, for instance, won't matter as much if everything else looks good.
4. Having less available credit will drag down your score more.
5. Diversity matters more. A mix of healthy auto, personal and student loans would bring up a score.
6. Closing accounts will bring down the score.

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