Getting a job is no easy process, especially with the time it takes. Waiting is one of the most common and irritating part of job hunt. Waiting starts right from the beginning when you apply for a job. When you apply for a job, you wait for the employer to revert back, once that takes place you wait for the interview and once you receive the call, the most killing time is the time you have to wait for the interview to start and the time between different rounds.
There is a mixed feeling of stress, anxiety and nervousness which can actually go against you. In an interview the interviewer does not only tests your knowledge and skills but also tests your abilities to handle stressful situations and ability to wait. The waiting time can be in minutes, in hours and in some cases even in days and months.
Well, an interesting thing is that you can turn this time in your favor and by just following some simple steps you can actually make through the interview. Let us start with dealing the time in between different rounds that happen in the same day.
The Waiting Hours on the Day of an Interview
#1: Stay Happy and Energized
It is very important to stay as active and energized as you are in the morning. There are some dos and don’ts when you are in an organization for an interview.
The do and don’t on the day of the interview
The simple science says that the more you wait more the anxiety rises. The face that comes with a smile in the morning turns down with stress, anger and an eagerness to know what is happening. It is not wrong to say that the following 5 phases are the easiest to reach during the killing hours.
Follow these simple tricks and remain energized for the entire day.
In order to remain at step 1 it is important that you efficiently use your time. Here are some additional points that you need to take care on the day of the interviews. These are:
#2: Understand how important the job is for you
This is one way that may turn against you. But if carefully analyzed, this is one of the very important steps that can keep you confident all day long. Being nervous at a job interview is common mainly because there is so much at stake. But think if this is the job you want, being confident can actually help you get it. Whenever you get time, keep reminding yourself how this job can solve many problems for you and how important is it to remain confident throughout the day.
#3: Eliminate things that you do not know
When there is little time to ponder over, your mind starts thinking the negative way. What will happen in the next round? What will be the result? Will I make it? Well honestly you have no idea what is going to happen. It is important to reverse your thought processes and think how you will make it for the job, what can you do to leave a good impression on the interviewer.
In all the thought process really matters. So utilize your time and think positive. The optimism in your thought process will boost your confidence and help you to get this job.
#4: Take out the fear
He is not going to eat you! The worse thing that can happen is that you will not get the job. The rest is all good. There are still going to be number of jobs waiting for you. Take the fear out. Think of the interviewer as a friend and not a foe. Use those minutes that you get in between to make yourself calm and fearless. Tell yourself again and again that you can make it. The more you repeat it in your mind, the more you are confident and more you are towards throwing the fear out
#5: Focus on your strengths
What better time than this to revise your strengths and feel good about yourself. This is one of the major factors that motivate you. Also in this time you can decide what you need to present about yourself and how. After all, if you are climbing the next step you are sure to meet someone important in the organization.
#6: First round didn’t go well; increase your chances in the next one
It is important to accept that mistakes happen. After all everyone is human and is allowed to make mistakes. There can be chances that your first meet did not go that well; still the employer gives you a chance since you meet the qualifications. Remember, this chance is when you need to take out all the nervousness and turn the tables in your court. The time you get, analyze what went wrong, why were you so anxious and what should you do to optimize this chance.
Employers do not look for the perfect. In fact 99% of the employers look for people who are flexible and willing to learn and improve.
Instead of being irritated and anxious about the waiting time between the interviews, try to be productive and make the most out of it. Sitting outside a room and wondering what is going to happen inside will only make you nervous. Instead change the thinking process and be adamant that you are going to make it through this job interview. Follow the above 6 ways to be productive about the time that you wait outside the interview room.
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