Here's a new weekly feature we are rolling out on the SmashFly recruitment marketing blog, called the "7 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week". Here are the top
articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing on topics such as recruiting,
social media and job boards.
So let's get started. Here are the articles that peaked our interest this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:
Why You Should Be Screwing Up In Social Media by Lance Haun (@thelance)
Great article about how the best way to learn social media is just by participating in it. Take risks with social media and sure you will
make mistakes but it's your ability to learn from them that can make
your social media efforts successful. (Also, take solace in the fact
that a
corporate blog has never been fatal to an organization, according to
Dharmesh Shah.)
The HR Technology Hangover by Bryon D. Abramowitz (@HRTechnologist)
Humorous post on how far HR has come in the last 15 years and how to identify if your HR technology may need a re-boot. I particularly liked
point #4.
Everyone says job boards are dying - so it must be true, right? by Eric Shannon (@internetinc)
There has been a lot of talk on whether job boards are doomed with social recruiting taking their place over the past few months. Eric
provides solid evidence and points that recruiters may be getting a
little ahead of themselves (although he recognizes job boards will need
to evolve.) We wrote a response to this article about recruiting metrics.
Why Corporate Recruiting May Be Doomed by Kevin Wheeler (@kwheeler)
I'm always a fan of Kevin's insightful posts and this one is no different. It's clear that technology can help you increase
productivity, but what technology and processes do you invest in? Kevin
shares his thoughts on what you need to think about and I particularly
liked his first point.
Optimism Growing, Startups Returning. Could Hiring Be Around the Co... by John Zappe (@ERE_net)
There has been a lot of buzz lately about how the economy is coming back and companies are going to start hiring again. So this piece on
the latest ERE event was music to my ears. It's always great to hear
positive reports and optimism coming from the recruiting community.
The Current State of Twitter by Muhammad Saleem (@msaleem) through Mashable (@mashable)
If you ever need an Infographic for social media, Mashable should be your go-to site. There are tons of great Twitter graphics in this piece
but the one that really caught my eye was the "What People Tweet" pie
graph. It got me thinking, how many of my tweets could be listed under
"Pointless Babble"?
7 Tips to Get More Re-Tweets by Hubspot (@hubspot)
I'm a huge Hubspot fan so it makes sense to finish with one of their blog posts. A quick and simple read, this post gives you 7 actionable
items to help you get Re-Tweets. And who couldn't use more Re-Tweets?
So there are our 7 favorite recruitment marketing articles of the week. If you have any more that you think we should add please let us
know in the comments or contact me at
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