7 Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week (5.22.10 to 5.28.10)

Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Marketing Blog.

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing. This week’s topics include whether online profiles are the new resume, ways for companies to use social media effectively, candidate experience, preventing hiring disasters, top HR blogs, Facebook’s new privacy guidelines and ERE meet-up events for next month.

Here are the articles that interested us this week (in no particular order), enjoy!:

Profiles: The New Resume? by Dr. Charles Handler (@CharlesHandler)

Is the Resume going out of style? This article takes a look at the fundamental flaws of the resume and how an online profile / tools may be a viable replacement.

Reach Customers in 140 Characters, All of them Free by Kermit Pattison (@NYTimes) (courtesy of @mysensay)

Nice straightforward article on how companies can utilize Twitter to reach the right customers. I really like the examples they provide in it.

3 Questions to Ask About Candidate Experience by Lance Haun (@thelance) (@GerryCrispin)

Quick read on 3 questions you need to ask when thinking about candidate’s experience within your recruiting process.I love articles that get straight to the point and this is one of the better ones.

How to Prevent Hiring Disasters by Amy Gallo (@HarvardBiz ) (courtesy of @kjoneskc)

Nice article on best practices when hiring and on-boarding potential employees. Also like the 2 case studies at the end.

Top 50 Human Resource Blogs to Watch For 2010 by Evan Carmichael (@EvanCarmichael)

Awesome list on the top HR blogs you should be following in your Google Reader. Check them out!

Facebook Simplifies Contentious Privacy Setting by CTV News

New Facebook Privacy Guidelines by Facebook

This has been big news over the past week. I’ve provided an article / video and the actual guidelines on Facebook so you can make a decision yourself.

Help ERE Organize Local ERE Recruiter Meet-ups by David Manaster (@ERE_net) (@dmanaster)

This is a really cool idea and I encourage you to participate. We’re definitely going to attend the one in Boston.

Hope you enjoy the list. If you have any articles I should add to the list feel free to add them to the comments or send me an email at chris@smashfly.com.

About the Author: Chris is a Marketing Analyst for SmashFly Technologies. SmashFly provides the first recruitment marketing platform called WildFire that enables companies to easily launch and more important measure the performance of their recruiting efforts online.

The WildFire recruitment marketing platform offers Job Ad Distribution, Social Networking Job Delivery, Recruitment Opt-In Database, Recruitment CRM, Web Commercials / Micro-sites and Resume Sourcing services.

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