A New Touch In The Smoking Experience

Recently a new modification in the cigarettes has been introduced for the smokers. This modification is the electronic cigarettes. The idea of e-cigarettes has turned out to be a great success. The reason for this is the less harmful ingredients and various flavors available which makes the smoking experience much better, healthy, and enjoyable.

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Health Concerns:

An e-cigarette contains far less ratio of nicotine as compared to the regular cigarettes. E-Cigarettes come with different amounts of nicotine such as 6,12 and 18mg. Apart from this there are also e-cigarettes with zero amount of nicotine. This just provides the taste of the cigarette in case someone is looking forward to give up the addiction of smoking.

How it Works:

E-Cigarette works on a battery. The battery comes in various ranges between 160 mAH to 270 mAH. Each e-cigarette gives up to 200 puffs. That is equal to 2 hours of smoking on a battery of smaller capacity and 300 puffs; 3 hours of smoking on a battery of larger capacity. These battery are re-chargeable and can be changed through a normal charger and also with the one included in the box.

Other Advantages:

Apart from this, there are other advantages as well. E-Cigarette comes in a large variety of natural and artificial flavors. They have a pretty good battery life on a single charge. Moreover, the cigarettes are properly sealed pack which ensures better intake and smoking experience.

Perfect Smoking Experience:

E-Cigarettes comes in different flavors which have been created using the customer’s satisfaction and review in mind, and the flavors from other cigarettes to make the smoking experience enjoyable. There are various flavors such as mist and ice, vanilla, chocolate and many others. The flavors depend on the company and are named different from brand to brand.

What it comes with:

The E-Cigarette come with various accessories such as batteries, cartridges, chargers (wall and car), and carry case. Even though the cigarettes have been manufactured with high quality, they come with a warranty as well. Most of them are also water proof and can be used again once dried enough.

One of the top manufacturers of E-Cigarettes is the Green Smoke. They manufacture high class and top quality e-cigarettes for their customers with a large variety of flavors. Green Smoke reviews over the internet are positive and have received positive feedback from the customers regarding their product.

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