Advice for College Students and Recent Grads From an Executive Recruiter

The following is a guest post from Jeff DiPaolo, vice-president of PrincetonOne Search, based in Cleveland, OH, an executive recruitin... Continue reading ...

Views: 71

Comment by See_Jane_Recruit on March 16, 2009 at 11:27am
I think Jeff DiPaolo hit the nail on the head for recent grads looking to enter the workforce. I cannot stress enough how a good internship can launch your career. My sister is entering the workforce from college soon (in the hospitality industry) and I tell her all the time to start working part-time as a waitress (if you have to) at a good restaruant that you could see yourself managing. It will get your foot in the door and possibly get you a management role there or at a similar place. To get an internship, target some companies you would like to work for and then research internship options on the company website.

It's also important, as Jeff mentioned, to not get caught up in the negative press. Jobs are out there! Go get 'em!

However, from a recruiting standpoint, most new grads are not highly placeable through recruiting companies. I think if Jeff was being honest he would have mentioned that because employers aren't paying us to find new grads (often highly visable on online job boards,) they're paying us to find people with experience who can hit the ground running. New grads should go straight to the company.


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