Are Job boards still as effective?

Job growth hasn’t been this strong since 2006 and economists expect the unemployment rate to drop within the future years. Job boards are the most common method when finding and applying for jobs, but how do you know that this is the “best” method.

After doing some research of my own: CareerXroads, a recruiting site, have said just 12 percent of all hires can be attributed to job boards; other studies place the figure even lower than that number.

So because of this I have listed the best ways to get the most out of job boards and increase your chances of getting your dream job!

Sign Up for Niche Job Boards

The first route I explored is a niche job board, which specializes in particular job functions and industries. They often list role’s that don’t appear on some of the larger, general boards, so they can offer access to openings with smaller applicant pools.

Applying for a job through a niche board can also give you a leg up over someone using a broad-based site because it identifies you as more of an industry insider. There are some very good niche job boards, I have listed these below:

- (Construction)
- (Engineering)
- (Government)
- (Sports)
- (Technology)

10-20-70 Approach

This approach is very unknown but can be very effective. Its works like this: Spending 10% of the time you spend looking for a job responding to online ads and job boards; 20% interacting with recruiters and 70% to in-person, phone and online networking.

So rather than using job boards as a one-stop method to find work, think of them as research tools to get a sense of the skill and experience , by refining your search you are hitting all area’s and are not losing out on finding your dream job.


Networking is key. You may not know anyone who works for the company where you’re hoping to get hired, but one of your contacts may or they might know someone in the industry who’d be willing to speak with you. Do a LinkedIn search to check out your contacts' connections and start asking for introductions.


If you’re interested in a role that's being handled by a recruiting firm, don’t apply for the position through the board. Instead, email/call a direct pitch to one of the partners at the recruitment company, explaining why you think you’re perfect for the role and insist you have a conversation with them. Don’t reference the job board in your pitch, but do craft your style using the requirements mentioned in the posting.

However it’s important to remember, in these discussions, as well as networking phone calls or meetings, you’re not asking for a job…. you’re building personal connections for the long run.

Determination Pays Off

It’s important to remember that this isn’t going to happen overnight and can take a lot of time on your part. But by creating relationships via networking, these meetings will increase your odds of success as opposed to just clicking a job board’s “send” button.

Any more methods? Why not comment below your favorite methods when applying for a job.

By Ryan Hooker

The Shore Group

Views: 603


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