It seems that just about everything is moving to an online medium, and this is no different in the field of recruiting. LinkedIn is a great electronic resume, and other social networks can really add a new dimension to the hiring process. What could be better? As it turns out, video can be better.

More and more companies are asking for video resumes from candidates if possible. This is of course not necessary because not everyone has access to video equipment, but many candidates are given the option nonetheless. Some predict that video resumes will be the norm in just a few short years, yet others aren’t so accepting. This led me to wonder: Is a video resume really a good idea?

Video Resume Pros

  • Interview – Many times a company looks at a resume and then decides if they’d like to meet for an in-person or VoIP style interview. Although interviews are a great time to ask questions and interact with someone, they are also a time to get a feel for the attitude and demander of a person. Someone could look great on paper, but be completely different in person. A video resume would save a company by time getting that over all at once.
  • Identity – Hundreds of resumes can start to blend together after a while, but videos are a bit more personal. They really identify the person as unique, so hiring managers would have a better time keeping candidates straight.
  • Re-Evaluation – Most candidates feel uncomfortable when a potential employer wants to video-tape an interview; however candidates are usually more comfortable when they can edit their answers and create the video themselves. This makes it easy for employers to go back and remember each candidate.

Video Resume Cons

  • Technological Issues – This almost forces someone to fill out an application online and then attach a video. This could potentially lead to attachment issues or other technological issues. This is not fair to a candidate, yet in some instances they may not even realize that the video wasn’t received.
  • Availability – As discussed above, not everyone has access to a camera that takes high-quality videos. Although creating a video resume won’t be required, it is tough for someone on paper to compete with someone on screen. You feel like you know someone much better when you can put a personality to a name, so the playing field isn’t quite level.
  • Nerves – Some people might get very shy in front of a camera. If you’re hiring for an accounting position, chances are you’re working with candidates who haven’t had a lot of public speaking experience. If you judged by video alone, you may be missing a whole side of someone that you’re not getting to see.
  • Judgment – You always run the risk that an employer will judge someone based upon looks alone. This could happen consciously or unconsciously by the potential employer, but it can get messy nonetheless. It’s important that a company owner look at both the video and a list of a candidate’s qualifications; not just the former.

Although video resumes haven’t taken off just yet, it is important for a company to consider both the pros and the cons so they can be prepared for the day when this does become popular. Are you going to offer the option of a video resume? How are you going to make sure it is a good decision?

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Amanda DiSilvestro is a writer on topics ranging from social media to business credit cards. She writes for an online resource that gives advice on topics including credit card processing to small businesses and entrepreneurs for the leading business directory,

Views: 2859

Comment by Sandra McCartt on March 23, 2012 at 5:43pm

No. Bad idea

Comment by David DeCapua on March 26, 2012 at 9:48am

Can't stop the proliferation of logical technology. Video is quickly becoming a staple for companies and recruiters. It's funny how many people are stuck in their habits - within the next five years video will be a "given".  Then again, I'm sure there are those that still love their eight track tape player...  Nice piece! @TalentRooster

Comment by Jacob Share on March 26, 2012 at 11:00am

I predict that video resumes will become popular in certain industries only, like fashion and acting, where the candidates need to have a quality camera presence.

Comment by Amanda DiSilvestro on March 26, 2012 at 11:04am

Great point! I think you're absolutely right, and it makes total sense. Someone applying for an acting job should want a video resume. It will only help his/her chances!

Comment by Amanda DiSilvestro on March 26, 2012 at 11:08am

David, we shall see if you are right! I kinda think you and Jacob are both right--it will probably start with the actors and fashion models, then move onto startup and "younger" companies, but it just might not make it to those who love their tape players! Thanks for reading!

Comment by David DeCapua on March 26, 2012 at 11:31am

@ Amanda: Too late - it's already everywhere including, Starbucks, Walmart, A&F, Nationwide etc. etc. Most use it simply as a candidate screening tool - can the candidate communicate, smile while talking, did they take the time to do it right (attention to detail). We receive over 1,000 videos per month at  Our clients are primarily search, recruiting firms and corporations. We are currently in talks with one of the largest retailers in the U.S. to put video kiosks in their stores. In addition to the obvious benefits, large companies have a difficult time remembering who is who....

Comment by Amanda DiSilvestro on March 26, 2012 at 11:36am

I have heard that larger corporations have been putting this into place, which is what prompted this article. That is extremely interesting that you find it is still difficult to remember who is who...I have never utilized a video resume before (I work with small businesses), but I thought it would make things easier! Really interesting stuff. 

Comment by David DeCapua on March 26, 2012 at 12:07pm

many companies interview tens or hundreds of candidates - there is no way to remember them (unless you're Rainman!).  70% of first interviews are a bust and most hiring managers know this within 30 seconds. Why not see a video first and only bring in those that are truly a fit? You'll save everyone a boat load of time! 

Comment by Amanda DiSilvestro on March 26, 2012 at 12:10pm


Comment by Suzanne Levison on March 26, 2012 at 4:29pm

Not for everyone. I would only use and critique prior to presentation to client. My industry has used video for years for creative presentation, not interviews. I shudder thinking of some on camera~


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