Benefits of Using a Recruiter - The Sequel

The author of this blog has chosen to delete comments.

I doubt there is a better way of illustrating that the argument presented in your blog post has absolutely no intellectual rigour, than deleting comments.

And for the record, the two comments that were deleted (so far) were:

1) Suggesting that it might meet a more accurate critical appraisal if it were posted to a community of candidates rather than one comprised almost exclusively of recruiters

2) Asking for a link when told that it had in fact been posted to a career advice site and that lots of candidates had contacted the author praising the blog.

Dumb doesn't even begin to describe this kind of behaviour.

Here's a tip for all you budding HR/Recruitment bloggers.  If you can't back-up your argument, stay away from posting stuff on the Internet.

In fact better still, contact your ISP and ask them to cancel your account.

Views: 637

Comment by Cora Mae Lengeman on April 23, 2012 at 5:06pm

I read the first one and saw your comment and questions - I agree this was clearly a blog for candidates not recfruiters.  And not wanting to promote her blog???  Stupid - unless she stole the info from another blogger's blog!

Comment by Cora Mae Lengeman on April 23, 2012 at 6:17pm


She isn't a recruiter.  She's the office manager for NationStaff - part of her bio there:


Evie is NationStaff’s “Jacqueline” of all trades. She handles all office and media operations. After working for NationStaff for over five years, she has taken what she has learned from the recruiting world and writes articles giving her insider’s view on career strategies and advancement techniques. Don’t look for the typical how-to guides from her; she gives you straight-up “Evieized” career advice when writing her editorials.

Comment by Cora Mae Lengeman on April 23, 2012 at 6:17pm

I hate it when people try to look like they know what's going on when they have not done the job!

Comment by Mitch Sullivan on April 23, 2012 at 6:35pm

On Twitter she describes herself as a "social media extraordinaire".

Whatever that is.

Blimey. Why do people do this to themselves?

Comment by Alasdair Murray on April 24, 2012 at 7:53am

At least she's not a social media guru, or as I call them (by their anagram) "a ludicrous image". I can't understand why anyone would want to delete comments they don't agree with. Surely the whole point of a blog is either to entertain or stimulate thought and provoke a debate?

Comment by Kyle Schafroth on April 24, 2012 at 11:54am

On #2 - I've said it before and I'll say it again, statistics (either numerical or formed word) can easily be made up to prove or disprove anything. So much fun when it works in your favor but such a horror when it doesn't.

I'm not sure which I prefer: guru, extraordinaire, or my current favorites "social media ninja" and "social media maven" 

Comment by Sandra McCartt on April 24, 2012 at 8:55pm

I dunno why your comments were deleted Mitch, maybe there is just something about you that pisses people off.

Comment by Mitch Sullivan on April 25, 2012 at 2:50am

Either way Sandra, deleting comments just reinforces that the blog originator has no intellectual rigour or any kind of counter argument. 

Ultimately, sites like this are primarily for people to discuss the industry and share their thinking. Deleting other contributors content is contrary to that imperative.

Maybe people should engage their brains rather than their knee-jerk emotions?  It's a concept.

Forgive me Sandra for not joining you in throwing around personal attacks.

Comment by Sandra McCartt on April 25, 2012 at 1:29pm
If you do not think describing someone else's behavior as "dumb" and opining that they have no " intellectual rigor" (whatever that means) is not a personal attack my friend you need a crash course in how to win friends and influence people. Add to that opining that they should contact their ISP and cancel their account would certainly be construed as a denigrating personal attack.

While I agree that it is disingenuous to moderate comments or delete them if one is going to blog I would suggest that you take a step back and recognize that your tone and your outright comments are both insulting and personal in nature as well as accusatory. If you don't like being called out for being an ass don't be one.
Comment by Peter Ceccarelli on April 25, 2012 at 2:52pm

Rock on Sandra.  You are spot on.  I found this entire post to be beyond offensive.  When did professionalism go out the door on this site?  Just curious.  Makes me rarely come to this site because of stuff like this. 


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