Best Recruitment Marketing Articles of the Week 11.9.13 to 11.15.13

Here is our weekly feature in which we share the top articles we enjoyed from the past week about recruitment marketing, social recruiting and anything else in the recruiting space. In this article, we’ll be talking about threads shaping HR’s future, SEO in 2014, measuring hiring quality, helpful sourcing tools and Microsoft’s employee review system.

Now on to our favorite articles to read this week.  Here are the articles that interested us (in no particular order), enjoy!:

Re-Engineering HR: Five Threads of Technology by John Sumser (@JohnSumser)

Great blog series from John on the 5 threads that will shape HR and HR Technology of which analytics are a big part of it.  I’ve linked to the conclusion article but you can find links to the full series at the bottom of the page.


Future SERP: A Glimpse at Google 2014 by Dr. Peter J. Myers (@dr_pete)

Worth a read from Peter on how search rankings and display may change on the most popular search engine.  Extremely important as you think through your SEO, social and mobile strategies.


Measuring Quality Hires by Shanil Kaderali (@ShanilK)

Interesting video from Shanil on measuring the quality of your talent acquisition efforts.  I also recommend you read his post “How to Measure Whether You’re Hiring Good People” as well.


8 Tools Sourcers and Recruiters Should Add to Their Tool Belts by Jeremy Roberts (@ImJeremyR) and Dean Dacosta (@DeanDacosta)

The video may be long but well worth it as Dean takes viewers through some great tools that can help you find talent easier and more quickly.


Microsoft Just Killed It’s Controversial Employee Review System tha... by Jay Yarow (@jyarow)

Story on how not to engage employees in your organization. 


Hope you enjoy the list and see you at the conference.  And connect with me there via Twitter @smashfly.

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