Coming off an awesome Father's Day, I felt it was appropriate to do one of my non-recruiting posts again.  These are never as popular, but seem to resonate with a lot of people. Hopefully by now, most of you who are regular readers of my blogs know me.  I am a passionate person, Christian, and a true family guy.  I'm a recruiter by day, a blogger by night.  Between the hours of 5-9 PM I hardly can get one word in edge- wise because my 2 kids keep me on my feet.  

My 2 year old is, well.. A 2 year old. My 5 year old is, well.. A 5 year old.  Busy.  Not bad, just busy.  When they go down, I love to watch the Astros (even if they are the worst team in baseball), drink a Gentleman Jack (or two), and recap the days events at night with my beautiful wife Laura.  

Pretty simple stuff. Life continues to evolve and it seems to get better every year.  

Life goes in cycles.  You are reliant on your parents between the ages of 1-18.  Between the ages of 18-25 you are either in college or working.  Hopefully by 25 you still aren't living with your parents.  Obama says you can stay on your parents insurance until 26 now.  Good grief. 

You may get married early and in your 20's, it may be the 30's, and it may be later in life.  You start having children somewhere in the middle of that.  I guess everyones circumstances are a little different.  At any rate, you become a responsible adult.  Of course, some are more responsible earlier than others.  

This year, my 40th year, has been great.  Yea- it does take the body a little longer to heal.  You may have to go through a "procedure" or two.  I guess Billy Crystal said it best in City Slickers.  

I know my 50's will be better, 60's will be better than that and so on and so on.  

I guess what I am trying to say is that every day is a blessing.  Some days are good.  Some days are bad.  Some days are terrific.  Some days are awful.

I wouldn't change a thing though.  I wouldn't have changed my experiences earlier in life and I certainly don't want to fast forward any moment that I have right now.  I embrace life.  I love life.  I love my children, my wife, my family.  I know God has a plan.  It is hard to see sometimes.  It is frustrating at times, but looking back on every experience I have ever had, it has made me a better person. Good or Bad. They have made you a better person.

I am truly blessed.  You are blessed.  Live every day as if it were your last, because one day.. Someday. It will happen.  We will be gone.  Live, love, laugh.  Embrace.  

Happy Father's Day to all of the Father's out there and the ones before us and thank you God for the gift of life.

If you enjoyed this blog, please click on the link below and subscribe to my website.  Please follow me on Twitter at WThomsonJr and connect with me on Linkedin.  My personal e-mail  Thanks!  Will

Views: 368

Comment by Amy Ala Miller on June 17, 2013 at 6:53pm

Awesome Will, thank you! :) I'm glad to know you. I had to chuckle at the Obamacare / 26 yr old comment - for reasons I won't detail here my mom and I had a (ahem) discussion about my 27 yr old brother living at home on her unemployment dime. I finally had enough and said "Even OBAMA thinks he's an adult at this age!" Didn't sit well LOL.

Best wishes to you and your beautiful family!

Comment by Derdiver on June 17, 2013 at 9:08pm

Will, Blog on my Brother!! I like this as I like what you write and are honored to have you not only as a friend but a colleague in recruiting.  As always a great read that resonates. I am proud to give an Amen!!

Comment by Will Thomson on June 17, 2013 at 9:23pm

Thanks Amy & Derek!  I guess holidays bring out another side of me. :) Amy- that is too funny about your brother.  I am grateful to have both of you as friends and hopefully somewhere in this crazy life we can make a difference and help someone along the way, just as others have done for before us.


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