Blogging Mistakes You Need to Avoid in Order to Become a Professional Blogger

Who ever said blogging is fun said it right; blogging is certainly a very fun and productive thing to do, especially for people who are using blogging as their means of earning. For those who don’t know, blogging is basically a process of posting unique, high quality content on websites that are referred to as blogs. Now the content can be pretty much anything of the blogger’s choice, it doesn’t matter. A blogger can pick any number of niches and write about it without having any issue. While some bloggers handle the process of managing and writing content themselves, there are other bloggers who hire writers to do the content creation while they handle how the website work.

Now that you know what blogging is and some basics, you should also know that blogging is certainly not an easy thing to do. Yes, you can always generate unique content, and hire writers, but the actual thing is bringing in the traffic in order to generate the revenue that most people really want. You will find a lot of blogs on the internet that never managed to take off despite having some really good content. Reason? They never really knew how to generate the traffic required to take off, or they ended up making some of the very common blogging mistakes people make.

Considering how a blog can either be made or destroyed based on one simple thing, these mistakes are really crucial, and sometimes will lead you nowhere. If you are trying to become a professional blogger, and you want to make sure that you don’t end up having your blog stuck in a rut, you should read some of these very common mistakes you have to avoid in order to become a successful professional blogger.  Some of these tips come highly suggested from Edward Eugena blogger who has been working at 10beasts. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes you should avoid.

Having a Wide Niche

We’ve already seen Jason Daszkewicz of WPColt talk about this. In blogging terminology, niche is basically the type of content that gets posted on your blog, and perhaps one of the biggest mistake a lot of people make when they start a blog is having wide niche. This means that they post content that belongs from all different niches, and while it may sound like a good idea, it’s not. For instance, imagine you have a website that’s technology oriented as per the name of the website, however, you start posting content that is outside the world of technology. Simply make sure you don’t do that; if you want to have a broader approach to the audience, create multiple websites and assign niches to them rather than posting all the niches in just one category.

Do keep in mind that apart from proper SEO optimization, a proper niche is very, very crucial for your website. It can either make, or break the blog. Make sure that the blog you have is for a specific subject rather than all different subjects combined into one.

Publishing Content that is Not Relevant

Just use some common sense and think about the fact that there is absolutely no point in posting about health on a website that is made for gaming or vice-versa. Yes, you can certainly post an article if there is any connection but in case there isn’t, it’s of no use. A lot of early bloggers don’t understand that but apart from simply looking irrelevant, it also ends up leaving a terrible, terrible impression on the reader, and can end up having a drastically negative impact on the website as well as the total amount of traffic. Even still, posting content that is relevant to your website is not the only thing you would want to do, in addition to that, you also need to make sure that the content you are posting is engaging enough for the readers that are coming on the website on a regular basis, in short, that’s the only way of making sure that your readers turn into your subscribers.

Not Caring About the Readers

A professional blogger will always cater to the needs of readers who are visiting their website, it doesn’t matter if we are talking about some frequent readers or newcomers, the best way to generate some revenue, and make sure your blog is working without any issues is catering to the needs of the readers. If a reader has found some content interesting or helpful on your website, he or she will come back again in order to find something similar. In case you are wondering how you can determine what readers like and what they don’t, simply check the amount of hits you have received on each post, the post with most hit was obviously engaging enough. Try and generate more content like that, and keep monitoring. Not caring about your readers, and posting content on your own will make the readers want to stay away from the website.

Not Having an Editor

Borja from RebelGrowth already stated the importance of editing. If you are overseeing the website, generating, and publishing the content yourself, it’s all well and good because you’re already aware of the type of content that Is preferred by your readers, and the type of editing your content requires. However, if you are someone who’s hired a bunch of writers, then having an editor is a must. The reason is simple, every writer has a different way of writing, and while some will do it perfectly, others will obviously end up with some sort of mistake that would be hard for a normal eye to detect. For people who have their blogs based on text, the best way to make sure nothing like that happens is hiring an editor; yes, the editors will charge you for their services, but at least they will make sure that all the text based content that gets published on your website is completely free of all the grammar, spelling, or formatting mistakes. Believe it or not, having a website with poorly written content that is riddled with mistakes can have a huge negative impact on the website, as well as the traffic, and generated revenue.

Not Setting Up Promotions

Believe it or not, a lot of bloggers are completely oblivious of the fact that promotion plays a big part in making their blog a huge success. Apart from setting up the RSS feeds, and emailing list that your subscribers can use in order to get notified about getting new content, you also need something of a proper promotion in order to get your blog up and running. The best way to promote your content, as well as your blog nowadays is through social media; use platforms like Pintrest, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, as well as all the other websites you can in order to promote your blog to the fullest. To some, it may seem like a desperate thing to do, but it certainly is something that needs to be done in order to make sure that there is enough traffic coming in on your blog, ultimately generating the desired revenue.

Sticking to Text Only

Last but not the least, we are going to discuss how some people just pay attention to texts in their articles, they will write a brilliantly formatted, and edited article that will only be based upon text. Well, here’s something you should know, that article won’t be getting a lot of attention to begin with. At least not when there is absolutely no sign of any images in the article. The perfect way to take care of this situation is making sure that you are adding the necessary images along with the necessary text. In addition to that, you can also think about adding videos into your articles, and while it may not make sense, you need to keep in mind that all of this is being done for the reader. The more attractive the content, the better engagement they will have with it.


In the end, it’s extremely necessary to know that blogging is certainly a fun thing to do, but it’s not a walk in the park as some people make it sound like. Yes, you will always encounter people who will tell you that they generated a lot of revenue through their blogging, however, they normally don’t tell you the amount of effort that went into it, and the sleepless nights that went into it. With that said, blogging is certainly an ambitious thing to do, and happens to be a field filled with brilliant opportunities, as well as a lot of achievements. To think that blogging is a waste of time is completely wrong; yes, the early months are often spent without any revenue, but if you keep going strong, and avoiding all the common mistakes that are made by the people who are new to blogging, you’ll soon start seeing improvements in the blog, and once that’s done, your blog can easily be one of the best in the niches you are writing on. Just make sure you keep producing quality content, and that’s all.

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