Build Your Brand Today in Recruiting

If you are looking for a role or a promotion in today's economy you must understand how to make yourself stand out.Developing a personal brand could be the key to making yourself more marketable. Noone is more brand conscious than celebrities,just like corporate brands recruiters must leverage themselves and their names.

Creating a signature brand that is recognizable and uniquely yours can put you on the map.So,if you are not Trump,Oprah or Diddy how do you establish your personal brand?

Establish a personal brand by:

Define who you are and who you aren't
Become well known for one thing
Create an air of mystery(Think about the Ipad's release-let people be attracted to the mystery around you)
Leave a personal mark behind
Brands create trust and personal relationships by systematically controlling the signals you send to candidates and your clients.There is so much competition out there in the recruiting space if you leave just 1% more than the average recruiter you have succeeded!

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