You must be looking for options on which provider are you going to have to host for your website. If that is so, you must start by looking at some factors to consider. Getting a web hosting provider is not like getting a shirt that you can just fit in, you need to consider all other factors such as comfort and style.

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There are a many web hosting providers that you can find, but the very question that you need to answer is which option is better? Is it Linux or Windows? So here is a rundown to some comparison of both.

The Operating System

Linux and Windows have a number of differences such as their security, the cost, their database formats, and even with the features that may influence their functionality for hosting. Though both have the same approach when it comes to data management. Both also provides CGI and MySQL.

The type of website

If you are about to make a site that hosts HTML and CSS then both Linux and windows can work for you. But if your website is majorly using scripts such as SQL, ASP, and the likes, then windows is the best choice. However, if your scripting language is using PHP and MySQL then it can work best with Linux.


Both Windows and Linux have different security features. Although most references that you can read through says that Linux is much secured.

Many may say that there is not much difference between these platforms. But you need to be aware of these factors so that you can make a good decision in choosing the best web hosting companies. After looking through these factors, and you find that you want to go get a Linux hosting provider, this link can provide you with all the information that you need. provides you all the information that you need especially when it comes to knowing more about Linux hosting. You will find different Linux hosting providers that you can choose from. You will find a table where the choice will be made easier for you on which host provider you should choose.

There are many companies that you can find out there but if you want to choose from among the top ones, then this company can help you out. The choice all depends on you. So make a choice today.

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