Very often in recruitment, you can be faced with a situation where you have to choose between two equally qualified candidates for a certain role. 

Even though many people think that this is a great situation to be in it can make the decision process even more tricky. Choosing the wrong candidate for the job can result in a loss of time and money for a company. So how do you determine who is the better fit?

Although there is no right formula for making this decision, there are some tips that you can use to help you decide that we have listed below.

Culture Fit

Finding the right candidate to fit your company culture is just as important as the skills that they obtain. Although they may seem like the perfect candidate on paper, it is vital to make sure that they form good relationships in the workplace. By doing so, they are more likely to be happier in their position, which means they will stay longer.

Look into the previous companies that they have worked for and try to see if they have a similar culture to your own if so, you could be onto a winner.

Consider Their Enthusiasm 

During the interview process, which candidate seemed more enthusiastic about the position? If you really are having a difficult time choosing which candidate to select, it may be a good idea to invite them both to a morning trial. Show them around the workplace and see how they interact with ...... 

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