There has been a lot of talk lately regarding Social Media and being the up-to-date guru I like to pretend I am I felt this was an area that warranted a few comments.  Firstly we must accept that many don’t yet know how to appropriately use their social media presence, if your Facebook pic is a tumbling portrait of you after a few beers you’re probably not giving the image you ought to be.

There has been a lot of information regarding personal brand of late, meaning that as ever important as a company name is, companies are more frequently becoming defined by their employees, and where do we get this information – yes, you’ve got it – Social Media.

Whether we like it or not we are defined by what people can find out about us on Google, hands up if you’ve ever ‘Googled’ yourself, did you like what you saw? More to the point did what you see give you the impression you would be a model employee? Because if it didn’t, for whatever reason, you could be in trouble. The problem is once posted or tweeted or even you tubed its global and its forever, there will always be a trace of any prior indiscretions floating around for the next potential employer to uncover.

The solution? Don’t do it, think twice before hitting that ‘upload’ button and if you really, really must then check your privacy settings then check them again.

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