My Linkedin Profile - long story, but what matters is that as of today you can see it again and you can reconnect directly with me at

I encourage all faithful members who remember the glory days of olden times when we were a real thriving community to send me an invite and join the resurrected six degrees from dave group again - tell your colleagues you can join the group too (!) at

Thanks again...Oh Joy!

Dave Mendoza
“Most Strategic Use of Technology” Award at the ERE Expo 2011 Recruiting Excellence Awards

Global Talent Strategy Consultant

2011 Top 50 HR Blogs

Views: 152

Comment by Doug Munro on August 23, 2011 at 2:02pm
Well done, Dave...back in the saddle!
Comment by Tim Spagnola on August 23, 2011 at 2:05pm
Perhaps one day Dave you will share how the whole LinkedIn thing played out, but nice to see that someone came to their senses. Invite sent....


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