Employ Smart, cut costs- Application Tracking System

Recession is spinning the world round in it's two little fingers and businesses of all sizes all around the globe are looking to cut down their costs to a bare minimum. Recruitments costs are one of the costs which take up, along with money, good time and effort. Where the HR departments are supposed to be working for more productive measures to support the companies, they are just left to recruit people- go through piles and piles of resumes, short-list, record data, make calls, take interviews. The dilemma of finding exactly the right candidate for the job becomes a hefty process which stretches on for months and months and considering the number of recruitments required (which is low) and the number of candidates applying (which is higher yet), this grueling employment process is just not ‘worth’ it. The situation is even worse for SME businesses who do not have qualified recruitment managers or proper HR departments to manage the recruitment process. The problem sustains because although companies are looking to working on their cost savings, the concurrent lack of skilled and experienced employees require this recruitment system to continue.

Application Tracking System looks to be the best solution there is to the current problem. With a fixed fee, the online system handles your entire recruitment process. With an interface for your company, the online tracking system handles the applicant data and makes the communication between employer and prospective employee- don’t mind the cliché- just a click away!

Simplicant is an ATS which is just about perfect for SME businesses. It is simple to browse through and that is the most important feature in any ATS. Why companies run away from drawers flowing over with resumes is because they are difficult to manage. A complicated application tracking system with complex features irrelevant to companies would just need a new set of staff members to understand and navigate, very much like the manual recruitment system. Simplicant gives you a site tour to make your familiar with the system and any one who can use their gmail inboxes can find their way through it. The company does not need to employ a highly skilled recruitment manager or an HR staff force to sift through resumes from all over. Since it is an online system, advertising for a job opening is easier and reaches more people, hence, a chance to hire the best. Simplicant provides a customizable job board for their clients integrated in their career sites. The system provides a job board for people to drop in their resumes or a unique email address to which job seekers can correspond with, in reference to a particular job. With a fee, the system employs effeciently saving time, extra effort and miscellaneous monetary costs which the company would have had to incur, had it let it's HR staff to do the job.


online for more information about applicant tracking system

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