Everybody has a dream...What's your dream?

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney

There you have it.

As working class adults you are witnessing unprecedented times. As many of us are parents, the fear that times may get worse and our children will be suffering the same or worse fate than us a frightful thought. The world in a period of extreme concern. Civil unrest, terrorism, unemployment, poverty and personal struggle have put our dreams on hold.

Then again, some of us never pursue our dreams. We get comfortable in knowing a pay check is coming every week and lose sight on what our true passions are because of the risk. The risk of losing money and falling out of our comfort zone.

As a child, we all dream about being something amazing. Then we grow up, work 9-5 Monday through Friday and drink beer watching our athletes achieve all their goals. Is that the legacy you want to leave behind?

Why are we holding back our dreams?

There are many success stories I have heard in the last few years about people leaving their jobs and starting their own businesses or moving to remote locations to starting something amazing. One of the things that makes every human unique is the talents, courage and the compassion we are all dealt at birth. Harnessing these qualities and translating them into something that is fulfilling, memorable and reflective is what so many of us lack.

We take comfort in:

1. Income - The ability to pay our bills
2. Following - Living vicariously through the lives of our favorite celebrities and trends
3. Routine - Having the comfort of going to the same places and seeing the same people
4. Low risk - Not taking too many chances or risks in our lives
5. Technology - Why would I put that in there? Easy: Technology makes life easier and more efficient.
That does not always mean better.

What would it take to throw it all away?

I hear stories of people traveling around the world, moving to Alaska and starting a band, climbing to the clouds, writing the great novel, helping children around the world find homes and families, run community gardens so everyone can have a nutritious meal or volunteering so that everyone has a fair chance at life.

That is only the tip of the iceberg.

Unfortunately, these are isolated stories. Stories of inspiration for us to glance over on our social communication channels but not absorb and understand.

Life is a continuous path of education and learning. Through shared experiences we become stronger. In this strength we find personal fulfillment and greatness.

What are you waiting for?
I'm talking to all of you.
Find it in yourself. Do not hold back. Never look to your past and say to yourself, "I never tried".

Is that what you want?

Take some time and think really hard about your life and if you can answer the question, "Am I happy and where I want to be?" with a positive answer, then you are on the right path.

If not.....

Views: 458

Comment by Peter Ceccarelli on September 14, 2012 at 3:08pm

Not sure what your point has to do with this site!  Nice enough.......but???????????

Comment by Mark A. Leon on September 14, 2012 at 3:10pm

Peter, I respect your thoughts but everyone has a different interpretation.  As talent acquisition specialists, we shape people's and their families lives every day.  For some we are a gateway to some dreams.


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