I don’t know about you, but I had never heard of the staffing or recruiting world while I was in college.  I am personally lucky for making it to Dawson because I knew someone who worked here after I graduated.  She called me one day and said “We are looking for a new recruiter and I think you would really enjoy it.”  My response “Absolutely, I’ll send you my resume right away!”  After I hung up and did what I needed to I thought “Okay, so what exactly is staffing and I will be recruiting for what?” 

Clearly I was so eager to be considered for a job that I just ran with it and asked those questions later, but why was it that I never knew what staffing was?  I like to think I didn’t live in too much of a bubble…going to Ohio State and being in a diverse city usual did me well!

So, if you’re a job seeker or a client, how did you hear about staffing and staffing agencies?

I would really like to know!

Views: 122

Comment by Jessica Lunk on November 11, 2011 at 5:39pm

Hi Glenna,

From a job seeking standpoint - The first I heard of staffing & recruiting agencies was on campus at Illinois in Champaign - there were a few big agencies that my friends did on-campus interviews with, and one got a job with, and actually has his own branch now. 

I also came across a few agencies during the post-grad job search, going through listings on Monster & Careerbuilder, and speaking with one or two recruiters. 

I didn't really understand the concept though until I did some freelance writing for a physician placement firm.    So, for me, learning about the recruiting and staffing industry kind of came along with gaining more experience and growing in my career.


Comment by Glenna Halligan on November 13, 2011 at 10:04am
Hi Jessica,

Thanks so much for the comment and especially from a job seekers standpoint. The interviews on campus are a great idea and we definitely make ourselves known on Monster and CareerBuilder. We will keep our presence up there as well! Yes, experience with one staffing agency seems to always lead to more...never fails!

Thank you again!


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