General Data Protection Regulation, also more commonly known as GDPR, is the process of consumers gaining more control over who has their data and how it can be used. The regulation has been put in place by the European Commission, European Parliament and Council of European Union to help individuals strengthen the protection of their own personal data. This means all companies within the EU will be affected.
What is GDPR?
Essentially GDPR is about data protection and an individuals rights about the personal data that’s collected from them. Consumers have more control over who obtains their personal information and how it’s used by the company. With more transparency with regards to their data, individuals can order companies to remove their personal data from the system as well as other data related rights. Rights that recruitment agencies should be particularly interested in are the following:
The Recruitment Agency’s Responsibility
As GDPR is now in place (was in place as of 25th May 2018) there are requirements of recruitment agencies in order for them to comply with the GDPR regulations if they haven’t done so already:
What Do Recruitment Agencies Need To Do?
In order to satisfy those who have put the regulation in place, you should go through the following step by step guide so that action isn’t taken against your business.
To summarise, recruitment agencies will be required to be far more transparent with how they obtain and use data of their candidates. If not done so already, the relevant regulations need to be put in place so that they can meet the guidelines for GDPR.
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