Get Out The Vote - Get Your Free Goodies - Get The Political Rhetoric Off Your Web Site!

If you haven't already voted today, get your tuchus out there and pull a lever. Here in Washington State, we vote by mail and my voting was done weeks ago. I am really looking forward to all of the political signs, commercials, sign-wavers, et al. to go away like magic tonight... Poof! No more multi-colored signs lighting up street corners like so many gawdy-colored flowers.

Additionally - if you vote, you are able to cash in on lots of free "goodies" from different companies. Starbucks and Krispy Kreme are just two companies offering incentives for participation in the voting process. I enjoyed my Starbucks regular coffee this morning...

Last but not least (yes, this is a short blog today), if you are a candidate, get the political rhetoric off your web site and don't put it on there ever again! One website that I visited to view samples of a candidates' work had this delightful bit of commentary: "If you're voting for _____________, I'm thrilled. If you're not, I think you must be clueless, crazy, or functionally evil." Charming. Made me want to pick the phone right up and speak to this candidate who must himself be clueless, crazy AND functionally evil to put that type of tasteless and insulting rhetoric on the web site he uses to market himself to companies.

Have a great rest of the week my friends!

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