Grandma's Chicken Soup #16: Recruitment News Served Hot!

The online recruitment paradigm has shifted.  Are you stuck in neutral?  Hopefully, some of these articles will help you shift gears and move forward.

Newspaper advertising once dominated how people searched for a job. Then the big job boards supplanted newspapers as the destination of choice for job-seekers looking for new opportunities. Things are changing again.

The way job-seekers are searching for career opportunities is shifting dramatically. They are using Google, social networking sites, and job search engines to seek out employers of choice. This is a good thing. HR professionals and recruiters MUST adapt. 2011 is marching along. Have you met your recruitment goals yet? Can you afford to do the same thing you did one or two years ago? I don't think so...

Every day we are all inundated with articles about new job boards, recruitment widgets, trends in the industry, and what is going to be the Next Big Thing in recruiting. Below are my picks for the most interesting articles of the week that pertain to the human capital industry.

New York Times Sells Stake in

Strong ROI for the NYT after its' initial investment in Indeed.  Will we see any consolidation in the job aggregation space? I predict the job aggregators will only grow stronger and increase their market share at the expense of the traditional job boards.

.Jobs Manager Seeks Arbitration by International Court -

The longer this dispute drags on, the less relevant .Jobs will be in the recruiting space...not that it was that relevant to begin with.  The lesson here is not to rely on another domain for your career site, but to focus on your employment brand and drive qualified candidates directly to your career site.

SHRM Report: Finding Qualified Job Candidates Is More Difficult Despite Slow Job Growth in May

This report only reinforces the fact that organizations have to explore every avenue of recruiting qualified candidates including online search, social media, and strengthening employment brand.

4 Thoughts About Social Media -

Great article by Kevin Wheeler.  See the "Comments" section for a great discussion as well.  Social Media is here to stay and needs to be embraced as a recruiting channel.

Going Mobile: Are We Finally Moving Beyond the Marketing Hype?

The mobile space is growing in the online recruitment space.  But, make sure you do your research before choosing a mobile recruitment solutions provider.  Make sure you choose a solution that will be flexible and give you the ability to adapt as mobile technology changes.

If you agree or disagree with any of my comments, please let me know. If I missed any great articles, please send them along. Feel free to email me. You can reach me here:

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