So has everyone made their New Years Resolution? I'm still trying to think of what mine should be LOL there's sooo many. I would love to say I will lose weight this year it would sure be nice to know what skinny feels like again lol, then I could also say I want to be a better wife and mom not sure how to go about this lol so I'm sure I'll just be the same in 2009 lol I hope I'm good enough.
Last but not least I could say I will be successful, and I think I'll aim for that this year. I know I'll probaby stick to that Resolution more than anything lol. Why?
We'll I love what I do, I actually have my cake and I'm eating it too. Yes it can happen :o) I joined Scentsy a little over a year ago while I still worked as a Nail Technician I was amazed at how easy it was to sell Scentsy all I did was take a Warmer to work and plug it in and BAM I was selling like crazy. We'll I had to quit doing nails due to some health problems in my hands I could have freaked out but I knew I had Scentsy to fall back on and WOW it's just been amazing, I love the Owners of the company they are so down to earth and fun, and they know every Directors name which totally amazed me. I started out with a few girls on my team and we just went crazy I made Director in 9 months (woohoo). I'm still shocked how easy it is to sell I have people call or text me all the time wanting more products for themselves or a gift.
Why do people love it so much? Its SAFE, that's right you can scent your home the safe way with Scentsy.
Since our Warmers are heated by a 25 watt light bulb they can be left on as long as you want, you can turn them on leave your home, when you arrive back Wow your home will smell so good without the danger of a flame. That's right no flame, wick, or smoke.
If you would like to read more or see the products go to
If your looking for something to do and want to still be at home or just need the extra cash this is the best job you could have I would love to talk with people that need extra money join today and you will receive a check in February, click on Start A Business on my website

I just love this product and know you will too :o)

Natalie Sallade

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