I found this software a while ago, and I must say I have been highly impresseed. I have been recruiting for some time and would say the one thing that can make the difference between a placement and non-placement is keeping everything in line. When you are working multiple positions, being able to look things up and keep them straight is a huge help. Has anyone else tried this? It is an ACT! database structure, and so far it is great....but I was wondering if anyone else had tried it. I have spoken with Bill, the developer a few times, and I must say...he is like the mighty badger. He will NEVER give up. :) He is always available to help, and has given me many tips, tricks, and just plain computer advice and ACT advice. He is very nice. What has been everyone else's experience been with this? It is at www.fillstaff.com.
What addons does eveyone use that is helpful??
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