The digital age is wonderful. You have information at your fingertips in the matter of seconds. With the internet, texting, smart phones, tablets and personal computers, who needs to talk on the phone anymore? Who needs to handwrite anything anymore?
I am the first one to admit, rather than picking up the phone, often times I will shoot over a text, e-mail, or send a note on facebook, linkedin, or twitter. Where are we headed with all of this? Where is our society headed over the next decade/ century.
We are getting sloppy. Facebook's stock is falling, Linkedin is growing too fast too quickly. There are way too many twitter feeds going out every second to make any sense of it.
It is pretty amazing that I feel like I know someone because I have been following on facebook and linkedin. In reality,I haven't seen many people that I follow in 20 years.
Good thing? Maybe. I guess we "feel" like we have been in contact with the people we care about.
I remember a couple of years ago a boss of mine from 7 years prior, just called to say "Hi" around the holidays. I remember thinking that was odd, but then I took a minute and thought how great that was. A conversation is so much more meaningful. He took time to give me a ring. That was great and I still remember it.
I can also recall a friend of a friend who called me out of the blue to have lunch and just check on how I was doing. I wasn't close to this person, but it was genuine. He said he made it a point to call a colleague every day for 365 days. Just to check in. What a great concept!
E-mail is easy. When was the last time you took the time to write a personal note to someone saying "Thank you" or better yet, getting them a card and saying "Congratulations on your new job!"? An e-mail can be easily deleted, but a card means so much more. It can stay on your desk for years.
Even though we should use the other avenues to recruit, the standards have passed the test of time and will continue to do so. Who knows what the next trend will be? My takeaway. Stay current, use the latest and greatest, but never forgot what has always worked.
Society as a whole has something to learn from this also. LOL R U onboard with this?
If you liked this article, please follow me on Twitter at @WThomsonJr or connect with me on linkedin and read my weekly blogs at
Thanks John- I think we all forget this. I know I am guilty. Social Media is way too easy and I think we all need to get back to the basics as recruiters and as a society.
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