Here’s to the Independent Recruiter!

Great news!  The world is still ok.

The federation of small businesses tells us that of the  5.2 million businesses in the UK, small firms accounted for 99.3 per cent of all private sector businesses in the UK, 47.8 per cent of private sector employment and 33.2 per cent of private sector turnover.

This is good!  Power to the people.  The independent  man still holds the key to his own destiny.  This is important in a world where we see the big multinationals are constantly gaining strength.  The big dogs are gaining ground all the time with national contracts, unworkable tender processes and overbearing government red tape designed to keep out the small business in favour of the multinationals.

Recruitment is an area that we see this is especially true.  Those nasty procurement exercises and over the top insurance requirements are designed to favour the larger corporations.  As are the electronic ordering systems, ridiculous reporting levels and extended invoicing terms.

Your know why?  Because they can’t touch us on service.  They can’t get near us on quality.  They can’t get anywhere near our expertise or our staff retention levels or professionalism.  They don’t work as hard.  They don’t care as much. 

So I wanted to take this opportunity to pay a compliment to the little guy.  The independent recruiter.  I wanted to say good luck and well done.  Keep up the good work and keep fighting the dark side.  Because when these big companies finally do take over, the world won’t be quite such a good place to be.

Dan Midwinter


Completely Care Ltd

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