Hey Agent!

Firstly a very Happy 2014 to you. I am not going to chat about New Year resolutions or your bucket list for this year – blah blah blah.

What I would like to discuss is our role in your life. Somewhere, somehow, our purpose and value has been tarnished and this is the time to start owning it. In the UK, USA, Australia, China or maybe I should say the rest of the world except Africa, recruiters are highly valued. It’s a career you go out and shout to the world – you change lives. Not in Africa. We are not valued, we are mistreated, and frankly just used like a puppet.

Let me elaborate just how personal our relationship is:

  • We have your ID number
  • We know where you live
  • We know your life’s history from leaving school to current
  • We know why you took a gap year or needed time off for personal reasons
  • Your salary
  • What you drive
  • We know your relationship status, if you have children, your sexual preference (most of the time), your religion, your health, criminal record, credit record and what your previous employers are saying about you

Now, you need to understand we are putting all our effort, trust and love into you, into your career aspirations and hopefully guiding you to your perfect career path. We are NOT your agent! We are NOT here for you to take advantage of or disrespect. This is a relationship, we courting and you need to open the car door for us and really appreciate what we do for you.

This is not a 2014 goal, it’s not a New Year’s resolution or some profound thought, it’s the reality and we expect nothing less from our partners. In turn, we vow to be committed, passionate, honest, and reliable and frankly the best partner you have ever had!





Views: 246

Comment by Derdiver on January 22, 2014 at 6:00pm
Nice and to the point.
Comment by Keith D. Halperin on January 23, 2014 at 11:58am

Thanks, Samantha.

"Now, you need to understand we are putting all our effort, trust and love into you, into your career aspirations and hopefully guiding you to your perfect career path."

For a different perspective:

"Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Keep movin', movin', movin',
Though they're disapprovin',
Keep them doggies movin' Rawhide!
Don't try to understand 'em,
Just rope and throw and grab 'em,
Soon we'll be living high and wide. 


Keith "Rawhide!" Halperin


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