The Recruiter’s Game of Hide and Seek
Seek and be Sought
This weekend, while my nieces and nephews were visiting, all the kids decided to play hide and go seek. As one began to count, the others scattered quickly racing to search out the best hiding places. Between the girls giggling and my nephew trying to hide in the bushes with his red sneakers sticking out from underneath – it did not prove to be a very difficult search.
Just a typical childhood game and yet, while they were playing I realised that Recruiter’s play a somewhat similar version. We play this game day in and day out however, in the Recruiter’s version, being the last one found does not result in earned bragging rights but rather missed opportunities. No, I am not talking about the candidates; I am talking about YOU.
Do you have any idea how many opportunities you have missed? Do you know that there are candidates looking for you? Do you know that as you are using social media tools to track them down, they are using the same social media tools to find you? You are probably passing each other in Cyber Space! I know for a fact that this is true because Rebecca and I are receiving calls from the people that you are looking for. While you are searching for them, they are finding us.
So what is a Recruiter to do when they find themselves in the position of being both the seeker, and the one sought after? Follow the same advice you provide to your candidates.
Get yourself out there and start networking. With all of the social media tools available to everyone today, there is no excuse for anyone not to have a profile in one form or another. The amount of time it takes to set up an account is minimal, compared to the possible connections and doors it could open for you. You don’t have to go all out and opt for every platform that is offered however, you should take the time to compare some of the different tools to see which one you can commit to and use with the greatest ease.
Passive candidates are looking to be represented by you. They are searching profiles to find the right person, so tailor yours to be a true representation of yourself and while you’re at it, explain why you should be the one chosen over anyone else. Make sure that your information is current and includes a list of ways to get a hold of you. It should be easy to locate your contact information so keep it as close to the top of the page as you can. (RBS places their contact information in the Summary Section on LinkedIn). Someone passively looking will want your information to jump out at them. Should they be required to search for it, they may be inclined to simply skip over you and move on to the next Recruiter. Social Media can be a very powerful tool. Don’t under utilize it. Get it working for you!
Also, don’t wait to begin networking. Start now! Your network is an invaluable resource and establishing one has never been easier. The sooner you begin to connect with people, the sooner you begin to build relationships and through those relationships your network will grow. If you are looking for niche candidates, go where they are. Join groups that they are members of and participate in discussions. By establishing a rapport within these groups and offering yourself as a resource, candidates will be drawn to you and want to become a part of your network. You can also create your own group and only invite or allow specific candidates to join. In growing your group you are creating a huge pool for you, and you alone, to draw from. Just remember that you need to interact with the group or you will lose the candidates!
I know that this is said repeatedly but, remember that no matter the social tool you choose to use, EVERYONE can see what and how you are responding. Be conscious of your behaviour and etiquette. Sure, it seems like common sense but just look at some of the blogs posted regarding people and their misuse of social media. Avoid the implications and use it accordingly.
These are only a few suggestions to help you get noticed. What are some of the things you do to earn bragging rights and gain opportunities in the game of Seek and Be Sought?
Lea McKay
Recruiter’s Career Coach
RBS Staffing Consultants
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