Peggy Olson graduated from Miss Deaver’s secretarial school with all the skills she needed. Typing, shorthand and pleasant communication readied her for her first day at Sterling Cooper for Mr. Draper. To say necessary work skills have changed since 1960 would be a glaring understatement. Fit for the office today and tomorrow demands smart and flexible skills to match the ever-changing techno landscape.
“If you don’t think about and plan for the future of work then your organization has no future.” – Jacob Morgan, author of The Future of Work
About 5 years ago, the Institute of the Future published the Future Work Skills 2020 report defining what would be necessary for careers and jobs in about a decade. With 2020 right around the corner, these adequacies are on the right track and more true than ever. Three overarching pillars of the next-gen work environment emphasize the surge of technology, attention on lifetime health and happiness, and intercontinental reach, and the timely skills needed to keep up. The makeup of select Vitru work values can reveal which employees are apt for best hiring decisions in the impending morrow.
Living longer and working longer is the narrative of the day. IFTF statesExtreme Longevity, or increasing global lifespans, as a driver for changing the nature of careers and learning. As one UK study declares, the average age of the workforce will rise from 39 to nearly 43 by 2030.We will be at our desks, in front of our computers, for a surplus of years past previous generations retirement ages. Vitru’s work value of Balance and how well one partitions time for work, play and family, will be more intermixed than ever. Working from home, telecommuting from wherever you are, and flex schedules blur the line between time outside of work and time inside.
The Rise of Smart Machines and Systems where workplace robotics advance human workers beyond mundane, routine tasks will be a win for efficiency and output. China Gorman(@ChinaGorman) on The Global Workforce of 2030 writes “organizations with 20-40 people can be just as impactful as large corporations, and by leveraging technology while being ‘unhindered by legacy processes and mindsets,’ they will easily disrupt existing corporate models.” Vitru calls value Innovation to the plate to bring modernization and ingenuity to every aspect of work and hiring decision. Keeping up, working with and creating new technologies instead of dragging feet in response to something new.
Cross-cultural and multi-national networks claim diversity and adaptability at the center of companies with IFTF’s Globally-Connected World component. The rise of global economies in developing areas like Mongolia, Sierra Leon, Laos and Panama will drive corporations to adapt, share-in and cooperate with differing economies, cultures and client bases interboundarial. An employee with a highTeamwork score will be the person who withstands differences, and accepts differences as positive diversity. Accepting and collaborating with assorted viewpoints and backgrounds will be the wave of the future you want your employees to ride on.
“What was unexpected, but became clear through this research, were deep attitudinal changes occurring across geographies and generations to seek greater meaning and joy from work and the places of work. In 2030, the many places where we work and live will be diverse and entwined: humanity, creativity, culture and community will be integral.” – Genesis Research Report 2014 Fast Forward 2030.
The changes that have happened and will continue to happen to the workforce are thrilling and telling of what kind of people we are. We pursue our personal happiness alongside career love and social responsibility.
“The workplace of the future is likely to play an increasingly important role in people’s lives, as people seek to define themselves more by the kind of work they do and less by the community in which they live.” – Healthy Work Challenges and Opportunities to 2030.
Bio: Ryan Mead
Ryan Mead is the CEO and Founder of Vitru, an employee assessment tool that provides recruiters, hiring professionals, coaches and managers with the insights they need to manage their teams and make better hiring decisions. Powered by science, yet practical and easy to use for a variety of teams, Vitru work for organizations of all size. Want to learn more? Visit our blog or sign up for a freeteam building personality test account to assess your team today! Tweet me at@GoVitru
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