Hiring Managers Say The Craziest Things – Okay, Everything!

Since 1981, I have worked with over 3000 hiring managers across the United States.  Most of whom have never been trained how to interview.  If they haven’t been taught how to interview, they certainly have not been taught how to select the best fit.  Therefore, they bring their own unique interview techniques and questions to the interview party.  Of course, the candidates bring their own special treats to the interviewing party; and I will share some of those also.


The setting – an internationally known company’s data center where I successfully almost singlehandedly recruited their technical staff.  The manager – a well meaning manager who had never been taught how to effectively interview so he did almost all of the talking.  The candidate – a very talented systems programmer.


Several days before the interview, the candidate called to tell me that she just came from the dentist.  She needed to have her jaw broken and then wired shut the day before her interview.  She felt that she would have to postpone her interview.  I told her that she would probably be fine but I would check with the manager.


The manager was very interested in her technical skills and did not want to chance losing her.  He replied if she felt like she could interview, he would be very happy to accommodate her during their interview. 


I called the candidate back and said he was okay to interview and understood her situation.   I suggested that she call me the evening prior and let me know how she felt.


She had the procedure and called me saying – and try to say the following with your mouth fixed shut – “He may not be able to understand me.  I’ll keep the interview.”


I confirmed with the manager that she was set but understanding her may be tough.


The next afternoon following the interview I received a call from the manager.  He said that he really liked her and felt she would be a great addition to his team.  I thanked him and told him that I had not spoken with her yet.


She then called me.  She said it was the strangest interview she ever had.  He did all of the talking – for 2 hours!


They extended an offer that she accepted.


Luck comes in two forms – good and bad.  This time the good luck raised its head and it worked out for both parties.


Don’t put your company at risk of the other form of luck – bad.  Teach your managers how to effectively interview and select the best candidate for each of their positions.

Views: 158

Comment by Tim Spagnola on April 28, 2012 at 1:03pm

Nice story Bill. Funny the role luck (both good and bad) can play at one's desk. Thanks for sharing.


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