How has social marketing evolved? Please share your thoughts...

Six years ago a big part of my social marketing strategy was blogging... either writing my own posts or commenting on other blogs in my industry.  I would look for blogs from recruiters (there were lots of them) and career coaches and resume writers (not as many back then).

Then, the social networks got more powerful. LinkedIn wasn't really a place to have conversations (like Group Discussions) but I saw people start to comment about my posts ON FACEBOOK! And then quick comments on Twitter. My blog was being read, but you couldn't tell based on the number of comments, which seemed to drop off a cliff.

Today, it's different, although things seem to be coming back around to blogging (even though the conversation is spread across different social platforms).

What's different today?

You see people taking "social media fasts" of a month or more.

Twitter seems to be a spam-pot. The value I see from Twitter is a small fraction of what it used to be, and rarely go there anymore.

LinkedIn, with Group Discussions, is a lot more valuable, but there is still a huge audience that isn't using LinkedIn (which means they won't see or comment on or be affected by the Discussions).

Google is still king, which means my blog posts are still relevant... you can find my blog post from 4 years ago a lot easier than you could find a Group Discussion (LinkedIn), Wall post (Facebook), Tweet (Twitter), from a few months ago.

How are you seeing social marketing evolve for you? What are you doing differently now than what you did a few years ago?

Where would you LIKE to see it go?

(I wrote originally wrote this on a LinkedIn Group but thought this was a better venue to share and discuss)

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