How Job Search Tactics Vary by Generation

Recruiters from different spheres tend to divide job seekers into three well-known groups: Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. It’s easy to discern members of each group by certain characteristics.

There is no stereotype, according to which employers favor a certain group. Still, it’s important to adjust the job search strategies to the peculiarities of the generation. In this case, it’s easier to feel comfortable during the job search and, eventually, reach the goal.

A fish is much more confident in the water, isn’t it? That’s the same reason why job search varies by generation. Keep on reading to understand how this tendency works and will it lead to success!

Basic Peculiarities of Each Generation

Baby Boomers

Younger generations might consider baby boomers to be outsiders in this crazy job rush. Still, while young job seekers write their older brothers off, baby boomers occupy tempting positions without saying a word.

This generation has a great advantage – vast experience. Unfortunately, most of them can’t use it right being inflexible, unconfident, and passive. It’s important to forget about numbers in the passport. You might be 60 years old but it’s not a sentence. It’s a huge knowledge, experience, practice that is handy for any position!

A good idea would be to keep up with times, be flexible and active. If you are sure of your potential and have the enthusiasm to work – just write your effective CV and leave a recruiter a message. If you can’t get used to the new CV writing standards, you can simply order CV writing from CVPolitan and forget about this modern ‘trend.’

Generation X

Members of Generation X might be the perfect candidacies – they are still young enough to understand the modern tendencies. At the same time, they obtain enough knowledge and developed skills to be promising employees. Gen X is a golden middle and many recruiters would welcome the representatives of this generation in their office.

Still, people in their 30s and 40s tend to find a balance between family and work. Therefore, they usually look for a flexible position that would fit their lifestyle. It might take time but it’s possible to find a truly suitable job.

If you are a part of Gen X and your interviewer is Millennial, you should emphasize on your enthusiasm and passionate interest to the position. If your interviewer is a baby boomer, you should keep in mind that your interests differ and you should be cautious.


On the surface, Millennials seem to have everything. They are excellent leaders and online influencers, who keep up with times and modern tendencies. Unfortunately, there are more stereotypes around them comparing to the other generations. Lazy, non-oriented and indulged – these stereotypes complement Millennials image.

Good news is that it’s possible to ruin stereotypes. An outstanding CV in combination with an outstanding personality and convincing speech on the interview can work miracles! Millennials should emphasize their flexibility, tech skills, and successful teambuilding abilities. There is no recruiter, who would just let such candidacy leave an office.

Common Working Recommendations for All Generations

Combine Online and Offline Job Search

By combining online and offline job search, every generation will increase the chances of finding the right job. Social media activity, job search websites, and other related online activity works better with job search newspapers and job boards.

Expand Your Network

A developed and powerful network is good at any age. Combine online and offline presence again to meet your dream ticket!

Gather All Documentation

All documents must be in order. Furthermore, spend enough time to write an effective cover letter, resume/CV, LinkedIn profile, online portfolio, etc. Every application document has to be targeted. It must contain any mistakes. If you have any problems, professional CV writing services can help.

Send Thank-You Notes after Interview

Millennials know that thank-you notes have a special power. Don’t forget to send it after the interview. The HR manager will be pleased. 

There are positive attributes of each generation. It’s possible to reach success only if you know your strong sides and know how to play with your weaker sides. At the end of the day. It doesn’t matter what generation you represent. A good and trustworthy employee always wins. 

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