How Swift Money Alternative Is Better Than Wonga Loans?

Wonga loans are quite popular especially in the UK area. Whenever the people of UK needs payday loans, they fall for Wonga loans which offer amazing benefits to the borrowers. Although payday loans and Wonga loans are just the same with a slight difference of lenders, but the concept is the same for both the terms.

Wonga loans are the payday loans offered specifically from the WDFC UK Limited, a British payday loan offering institute. Wonga loans have took over the payday loan industry in UK with over 30 to 40 percent share in the market showing the trend of Wonga loans in UK.

But if you need Wonga loans alternatives with much more benefits and easy terms and conditions, swift money alternative would certainly suit you. It is one of the best Wonga loans alternatives offered to the borrowers and account holders. Let us compare swift money and wonga loans and know how this swift money alternative is better than Wonga loans.

Swift Money Alternative – A Better Option than Wonga Loans:

Swift money alternative is a new and recent concept having innovative approach towards the loan lending industry. There are lots of advanced and incredible features offered by the swift money alternatives making it a better option than Wonga loans. Below are listed some features making it an amazing alternative to Wonga loans:

Read-Only Access Systems:

The swift money alternative offers read-only access systems to the customers of the bank so that they can keep track of their personal bank accounts and can get all the information about their current transactions without making any changes. This provides an ease of access to the bank customers.

Automatic Transfers:

Whenever a customer applies for a Wonga loan, an automatic transfer of fund sis made which help the customers avoid any expensive overdraft charges which they have to pay in case of unauthorized overdrafts saving you money.

Flexible Account Management:

You can have all the features of flexible account manageability so that you can access your account from anywhere in the world and can have reasonable account handling options.

Automatic Repayment:

You also do not have to worry about the repayment of the loans as the swift money alternative have an automatic repayment option. A repayment is made automatically whenever you have enough funds in your account and you can comfortably make a repayment.

Lower APR:

Apart from all the features, the APR of swift money alternative is also lower than the Wonga loans making it a better choice.

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