How To Deal with Embarrassing Interview Consequences

You may often come across situations where you cannot cope with the stress of facing an interview. In such circumstances, you are likely to make mistakes or even worse, blunders.

An interview is always stressful for people who have a tendency to get panic attacks. Some people might have a confident approach towards life but even they can fall into serious trouble due to nervousness.

If you ever fall in any such trap, make sure that you can compensate for the mistakes you committed by apologizing to the interviewer or by making him/her understand the reason for the mistake you committed. Talking to your interviewer always helps ease the environment.

Apologizing to your interviewer for any mistakes makes a significant difference as it allows the interviewer to assess your qualities of self-awareness and apologetic nature. Also, if you are ready to apologize, the interviewer can automatically conclude that you are a kind hearted person and that you care and respect others’ feelings - in this case, the feelings of the interviewer.

Explaining the reason for the mistake you committed would be a good way to make your interviewer understand your circumstances. If you got stuck in traffic and were late for your interview, you should make your interviewer understand the exact reason and try not to lie or exaggerate.

Interviewers also judge the professionalism and poise with which you present yourself. If you stay calm and composed, apart from replying slowly in order to avoid stammering, you can impress your interviewer. Even if you make a mistake, you shouldn’t get rattled. Rather, you should make eye contact with your interviewer and not forget to smile. Smiling at your mistake is the best way to conceal it. This will not only leave a positive impression on your interviewer but will also make the interviewer believe that you are capable of handling situations and can stay calm even under pressure.

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