A busy workplace can be a stressful environment, especially when you've got a large number of staff crammed into a tight space - all working to deadlines. Not only is a workplace stressful - but it can also be unhealthy. Often, these two things go hand in hand and actually make the other worse. A happy and healthy workforce is also less stressed - and therefore more productive. We're going to look at how to make your office healthier, so your business flourishes.
Why have offices become so unhealthy?
Poor health is often tied in with lifestyle choices, and offices aren't always the best places to practice good ones. When you're busy, you'll find yourself settling for convenience food and snacks - and these aren't always the healthiest options. Eating healthy can take time, whether you've gotta prepare a meal yourself or find the "right" place to eat.
Sometimes, grabbing something quick and easy is the only option - but it isn't the healthiest. Many busy office-workers sometimes even skip meals completely - which obviously isn't recommended.
Working hard could also mean you aren't getting the exercise your body needs, or even enough sleep. These days, more and more people are putting their jobs first and their body second, and this could lead to problems.
Why is a healthy workforce a more productive one?
You're probably aware of how productivity is tied in with a motivated and happy workforce, but did you know that your employees health could be playing a huge part in this?
Unhealthy people normally feel like crap - and this is just exacerbated when they're in a stressful work environment. Happy, healthy people simply get more done because they're more motivated - not just about work but about life in general.
What can you do about it?
You might think that the health of your employees is their business, but there are some changes you can make to your office environment that could benefit both them and you.
Try getting rid of unhealthy soda machines and replacing them with healthier options - and changing your catering suppliers to only include healthy options. Try and allow employees a more flexible workpattern and one that can fit around them walking to work or getting more physical activity. Some businesses even organize activity days out and other events that could improve the health of your staff - and help build team morale at the same time.
You could even put aside an area of space in your business where your employees can get active and exercise. You don't need to spend money on costly equipment or a fitness instructor - that's where things like the CIZE workout plan can come in.
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