How to Outsource Your Manufacturing to China

When it comes to manufacturing, few regions can compete with China’s labor costs. Companies that rely on outsourced products, however, have lots of new hurdles to clear — just ask the firms that wound up selling lead-laced toys made in China. Therefore, is setting up a company in China still worth the risk? Our sources say yes: Companies can maintain product quality and safety while reducing costs. Here’s what you’ll need to manage the process and keep your brand - and your customers - safe. Devott, the leading China market service outsourcing company in China, dedicated to offer every kind of creative solutions to help you do business smoothly in China.

Things you will need:
- Be prepared to pay obligatory legal fees and agent commissions, which can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands, depending on the type of business you’re setting up.
- At least three months to set up a pilot program. After you’ve tested the results and confirmed the product is up to snuff, a project typically can move forward very quickly, perhaps within a matter of weeks.
- A Local Rep: You’ll need a person who lives and works in your targeted region to act as your negotiator and translator as you meet with Chinese executives and regulators.
- A Product-Testing Service: Every product shipment must be independently tested to ensure that it complies with your requirements. Failure to test each batch is asking for substandard products or an expensive recall.
- Cultural Flexibility: You can’t get along in China if you’re convinced that the way business is done in the West is the “right” way.

For more info, please visit us at

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Devott Co., Ltd.
Phone: 0086 22 6620 3159

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