It is not a secret that a lot of employees today search for high paid jobs and are afraid of losing place of work, as it means losing a source of income. Every year a lot of grads leave colleges with diplomas, a debt and hope to build successful career. It is worth mentioning that many people feel depressed because of the job and are afraid to think outside the box and find the job they will really like.
Confucius once said "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life" and this is true. Changing a career or searching for the very first one is an exciting and worrisome occupation. First of all it is necessary for an individual to discover what he really wants to do in the work life – only after that it is possible to explore potentialities and move forward.
Whether you got tired of the present work place and want to find a bit different kind of job, or dream about a specific career, it is important to follow an organized approach and compose a professional resume. Well written resume is a basic document and an essential component of a successful job search. Submitting good resume may take much time and energy as there are many tricky points, which must be considered, and that is why it is necessary to think about this document in advance or apply to Resume Writing Lab.
Here are a few more steps to start new career or get an entry-level job:
1. Find Out What You Do Best
First of all, it is necessary to make a list of things you like to do, even if the activities do not bring money. It would be good to remember things (not duties) you are good at and enjoy doing. Write down all the skills and talents that are required for those activities.
2. Itemize Experience And Training
If there are some things you know not so well, participating in volunteer activities or some unusual classes – list everything you experienced.
3. Match Prospective Jobs With Skills
Think what occupation may require talents you have listed. Use Internet search and enter terms like ‘job skills,’ ‘career skills set,’ etc.
4. Determine Possible Jobs
After you have found potential careers, narrow the list to three or four you like the most. Now analyze which job you can do well and focus on that one entirely.
5. Explore the Chosen Career
Pull out all the stops: whether it is a local library, or a local government employment office, or even the Internet – everything is at your disposal. Find out job possibilities of the new career and try to learn about the career itself. You may also meet people, who have already chosen that career, too.
At this very stage it is time to stop and think. If you feel that you want to change your decision, then go back to previous steps and start again. You must be sure that you like the career you want.
6. Do not Leave Old Job If It Is Possible
Think about preserving your current work place. According to statistics, job hunters are more likely to be hired if they have already been employed.
7. Have Additional Training
If your chosen career requires specific skills and experience, search for classes and special programs. It is always possible to contact the human resources department in a company that hires in your new career and ask whether they offer on-the-job training. After you acquired necessary skills, you can update your resume and begin job hunting.
Just one more tip: there are always unions and professional organizations in your area. To boost your chances to land a career you want, join a group for people in just about any career.
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