How to Use Your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to Choose the Right Career for You

As an evolution and implementation of Carl Jung’s theories about human psychology, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test has quickly become an established assessment tool in business. Just as employers use it to find the best talent for open positions, it can also be a valuable asset for you when deciding between prospective career paths.

Take the Test Right

It may sound obvious, but it’s important to take the time to actually do the test properly if you want to get useful results. This means setting aside one or more hours in a quiet environment that allows you to reflect and consider your responses. If possible, take the test again at least several days after the first try and compare the results. Answers based on current mood rather than genuine self-reflection can alter the results.

Break Down the Data

Completing the assessment can be a bit of a challenge, but so can decoding the results. The MBTI test provides you with a four letter acronym that indicate dominant aspects of your personality, like introversion versus extroversion and thinking versus feeling. Each of these individual traits has plenty of meaning and implications, so you should consider each aspect of your results before evaluating them as a whole.

Isolate Strengths and Weaknesses

The Myers-Briggs assessment can also be useful for choosing a career by helping you isolate specific strengths and weaknesses. While you are likely already aware of some of these, the test’s results can help articulate and focus your attention on specific issues. Understanding and accepting your weaknesses is just as important as recognizing your strengths. Maximizing your professional potential requires an environment that allows you to think clearly and confidently.

Explore Untapped Potential

One of the biggest benefits of a detailed personality test is finding direction for exploring new aspects of yourself. Skills, interests and activities commonly associated with your personality type can be a good place to start when you want to expand your horizons. If nothing else, it can provide a little extra motivation to help you push yourself past your limits.

With an increasing number of employers using the Myers-Briggs test in their hiring process, it only makes sense for prospective employees to use it to find the right career paths. However, despite the test’s depth and detail, it’s also important to consider what areas you feel passionate about and what careers might provide the financial stability you desire.

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