Cross-posted from The Green Suits:

Visitors to The Green Suits likely know my devotion to the AMC TV dramatic series, MAD MEN--or as it is known in my household--art imitating life times two. Both my wife and I are veterans of large MADison Avenue ad agencies.

The art imitating life thing got a lot more interesting during this past Sunday night's episode when it was revealed that account guy "Pete Campbell" visited a headhunter--the former Sterling Cooper head of accounts "Herman 'Duck' Phillips."

A former ad agency account guy becomes a successful "head hunter?" You could have knocked me over with a feather!

Surely, there are commonalities in my and "Duck's" professional experiences: both of us were account "suits" who back in the day managed the expectations of top brands. Both of us escaped corporate life to hang our own shingles as advertising/marketing head hunters. And both of us leverage large "Rolodexes" of professionals to help clients find the talent they need.

Thankfully, parallels to "Duck," the Martini-swilling, serial womanizing personal life-train wreck end there.

I lead a chaste life by comparison!

But what Sunday's episode made plainly clear is that, for the past 45 years, one important aspect of hunting heads has stayed constant: the executive recruiter remains the critical resource for enterprising talent to land the great job that they may not have been able to find or engage on their own, and, for discriminating clients to hire properly skilled, highly motivated, and well-vetted talent.

Most [boutique] head hunters arrive fresh from the business verticals they now service. Before I became an executive recruiter, I managed 15 years in executive roles at top agencies and direct/interactive marketing services companies. Also, my 35 year involvement in environmental sustainability and social responsibility greatly informs The Green Suits' "green" business executive recruitment practice.

One other interesting parallel surfaced during Sunday's episode--the societal chaos of 1968 mirrored in the economic employment chaos of 2013. In both frantic eras, the head hunter cuts through the confusion, provides clear thinking, and connects great talent with great places to work.

If you are a hiring manager looking to hire, or an executive ready for a new opportunity, then we want to talk to you. Call us at +1 703 835 9900 or email us at


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