I get so frustrated with "your reply must be approved" on blogs....

Nothing bugs me more than entering a comment only to find the blog is moderated and my comment must be approved.

Do you want conversation?  If so - conversation is the free flow of dialogue.  That means - you say something, I say something, you reply, I reply and so on.

If you moderate your blog here - it more or less says "I am here to tell you what I think" which is not the way a thriving community continues to grow.

Thank you.

Views: 1031

Comment by Sandra McCartt on April 2, 2012 at 8:55pm

I guess we can't quote any experts that are dead, since no matter how expert they may have been they aren't here to defend themselves so we have to moderate any comment that quotes  a dead expert.  No more quoting Ghandi or Abe Lincoln sure is gonna be a lot of "moderatin be goin on".  That is about as as sensical as, "how dare you attack my expert, i will silence you sucker."


Comment by Bill Schultz on May 29, 2012 at 6:03pm

Not only does Phil Rosenberg's blog about HR  require moderation but you have to click through 3 different hoops to get to the article.


Comment by Sandra McCartt on May 30, 2012 at 12:27am

@Bill we have been down this road with Phil before.  He opines that if he posts the whole article here then Google will do something nasty to his SEO because it is a duplicate.  He doesn't understand syndication.  But he's a job search coach with 30,ooo linkedin connections blogging for business to come to his site so go figure.  Half a blog is just a cheap way to advertise his Job coaching.  Business must be slow for the job search coaching folks they are blogging like there is no tomorrow and no more suckers left on twitter.


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