I Passed my Certification for the PIAV Assessment!!!

I have spent over a year working with and getting trained on several assessments produced by Target Training International. Recently, I have started studying for the certification exams for the DISC and the Personal Interest, Attitudes and Values (PIAV) assessments. Wednesday night I took the exam for the PIAV and found out the next day that I passed!

This exam was quite brutal even for someone who has a background in industrial-organizational psychology. When I first opened the link to take the test I thought it would be a breeze with only 19 questions...then I realized that half of the questions required you to interpret graphs of multiple assessments and provide pseudo feedback on how these individuals would perceive each other, how they would perceive the world, and where different people would agree/disagree on certain topics, etc. The interpretation requires you to integrate how the participant's scores in 6 different areas color their actions, thought processes, and perceptions of the world.

The PIAV looks at a person’s core values...essentially what motivates them. The assessment has the participant rank a list of 6 different types of items in order of importance 12 times. Ultimately the results identify the score and intensity of their values in these 6 areas (utilitarian, individualistic, aesthetic, theoretical, traditional, and social). A person’s values determine the WHY of their actions. If your work environment does not support your internal value structure you will not be happy in your position. Research has shown that there are specific values that lead to greater effectiveness in specific positions (i.e., sales) and corporate environments.

The PIAV assessment has been validated for use in job selection and takes about 10-20 minutes to complete. I would recommend this assessment to anyone looking to better understand why they act the way they do, to identify specific job environments that will support their value system, or to understand the value systems of others. I would also recommend this assessment to hiring managers and recruiters looking to make long term hiring decisions that will place the right person in the right job the first time.

Give me a call if you want to find out more about this assessment and how to integrate it into your hiring or recruiting process at 877-533-6929 or 312-618-3252. I can officially say I am a certified provider of the PIAV!

Make an Impact,
Stephanie Marberry, PhD

Views: 676

Comment by Amitai Givertz on February 15, 2009 at 8:48pm
Congrats, Stephanie!


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